Ed's Story

I am a certified Oxygen Advantage Advanced Breathwork Instructor on a mission to help one million individuals transform their lives through the power of breathwork.
Like I did for myself.
I had been aware of the powers of breathwork since my teenage years when I was using my breath to maximise my performance on and off the football pitch.
However, it wasn't until the Global Lockdown in 2020 that I had the opportunity to delve deeper.
Around five years ago, I used to spend 95% of my waking day either anxious or stressed.
I was drinking too much, smoking too much, working a 9-5 that I had no passion in, getting minimal sleep, and doing no exercise at any point during the week.
If you could create a formula that would undoubtedly lead to both mental and physical burnout, the list above would provide some pretty good foundations for these two diseases to take control.
And of course, it did.
My anxiety levels were massively increasing and as someone who’d never really experienced anxiety, I craved “normality”.
As I look back at this period of my life, it may sound strange but I am truly grateful for it.
It made me realise that my habits were destroying me and that things needed to change ASAP.
I knew it was time to take action.
There is one quote that has stuck with me from this period in my life:
‘No one is coming to save you. You are 100% responsible for your life.’
So I decided to save myself.
Why Breathwork?
I started looking everywhere for a way to switch my habits and take control of my life again.
And the more I searched, the more I was coming back to breathwork.
I was first properly introduced to conscious breathing or breathwork during my teenage years and more specifically, playing high-level soccer in the UK.
My coach introduced me to a simple and easy breathwork technique.
He outlined that when we stepped on the pitch, we caught eye contact with our direct opponent and practised three slow and calm cycles of the technique.
Lo and behold, the technique worked as expected as an on-demand kill switch for any stress or pre-match anxiety.
It allowed my mind to be free and focus on the game.
To be present and forget all my worries off the pitch.
From that moment onwards, I was hooked on the power breathwork had on me.
I would be so nervous and about to start a big game.
Then, after a few cycles of practice, I’d be in the zone.
I knew there was more to this and other ways breathwork could enhance my life outside of the football pitch.
This is where I discovered how I could use breathwork to help manage my stress and anxiety, help me sleep better, and improve my athletic performance both on and off the pitch.
The beauty of breathwork is that all that needs to happen is for me to take conscious control of my breath.
That may be me stopping on the platform waiting for the train and doing a cycle of box breaths.
Stuck in traffic practicing some Physiological Sighs.
During a run noticing the rhythm and depth of my breathing.
Anything as simple as the examples above is breathwork and that is the beauty of it.
Through these years of personal practice and a deeper understanding of the power of breathwork, in September 2023, I became a certified Oxygen Advantage Functional Breath Coach to achieve my goal of helping 1 million individuals transform their lives using the power of breathwork.
Breathwork is now one of the key parts of my and all my client's day.
But let’s be honest.
It’s all well and good showing my wins.
The real question is, will breathwork work for you?
Luckily you are in the right place to find out.
Ed's Threads
See below for a selection of Ed's most useful Twitter threads around breathwork, high performance and self-development.
How to Stimulate the Vagus Nerve
How to Stimulate the Vagus Nerve The Power of Humming Breathwork
A Sleep Hack to Help You Fall Asleep in Seconds
Make sure to drop me a follow if you enjoyed these threads!